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Honey and Jams
Our products can be ordered by emailing to the address commerciale@agriturismopaola.it

The shipment’s cost for Italy is 11 euros for packages up to 30kg and 18 euros for packages from 30 to 50 kg.

We can send our products abroad and in this case the cost of each delivering will be estimated by email.
Marmellata d'arancia senza pectina, al naturale Natural orange marmalade without pectin
For people who love the taste of the pure orange pulp; sweet enough for a healthy breakfast.

Jar gr. 250

€4.50 Order by email
Mieli Honeys
A wide range of honeys in order to satisfy everyone’s taste: from the “classic” millefiori and eucalyptus to the more refined and delicate orange flower honey or the chestnut one, this makes a perfect match with mature cheeses.

Jar gr 250
€5.00 Order by email
Marmellata al bergamotto Bergamot orange marmalade
The bergamot orange marmalade is another exclusive product for our customers. Marmalade that not “act” like a proper marmalade: it cannot be considered a sweet marmalade due to its strong and a lightly tart taste, very delicious served upon sheep and goat cheeses.

Jar gr. 250

€4.50 Order by email
Confettura di peperoncino Hot pepper jam
Another exclusive hand-crafted products we offer to our customers. The sugar softens the peppers’ spiciness, for a unique match of flavours that nobody should ever miss.

Jar gr. 120

€5.00 Order by email
Miele al bergamotto Bergamot orange honey
A granular and full-bodied honey, exclusively for our customers. A tremendous taste which melts bergamot orange’s flavour and its intense smell.

Jar gr. 250

7.50 Order by email
Confettura d'uva Grapes jam
A new and original jam for a tasty breakfast, as our tradition, in respect of the genuineness of the products.

Jar gr. 250

€4.50 Order by email

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